Call me cheesy, but I love me some Valentine's Day. I's essentially a hallmark holiday. But who cares? I embrace the cheesiness with open arms! I can't wait to have kids so I can decorate homemade cards and cut food into heart shapes. There's nothing better than a holiday that's all about love!
This year felt especially lovey-dovey. I woke up early and very
quietly made pumpkin pancakes for a surprise breakfast in bed. I have to laugh at my ghetto presentation. Ah, remember the good old days when I had a real silver tray, a pretty white syrup pitcher and a ceramic butter dish? Now we don't even having matching silverware. Haha, I love our random little island life :)

I heart this guy...

and this guy too, even though he didn't get breakfast in bed.

I wore my red Havaianas for the occasion.

And even though we were far from home, I didn't forget who this special day
really belonged to.

I had been looking forward to our date for weeks. Brent made reservations at one of the Ritz-Carlton restaurants,
Periwinkle. On the way there, I snapped this shot representing Brent's other true love. Only 43 days till Opening Day!

The lovely Perwinkle restaurant

I love these next two shots of Brent and me. We get so many of each other, but since we moved to Grand Cayman we only have a few together. The server actually did a great job handling the SLR!

Little view of the Ritz

My other true love - mudslides

On Saturday Brent and I exchanged Valentine's gifts. I gave him a shirt and he got me a beach chair. But Brent had another surprise for me, beautifully wrapped in his dinner napkin.

Check out this awesome sea turtle necklace!

This is actually a necklace we saw weeks ago at the
Governor's Art Festival. The artist starts with a normal coin and carves out the picture. We watched him working on one for a while - such painstaking work! I immediately loved this little sea turtle (a real coin from Cape Verde) but didn't think I should make a rash purchase. I was so surprised to see that Brent had snuck back and gotten it for me! He is the sweetest!

Dinner was awesome, mostly because we were in such a beautiful place. Brent got snapper with lobster medallions and I got spinach lasagna.

At the end of the meal they brought out complimentary cookies and this pretty rose. What else would you expect from the Ritz?

Periwinkle usually has nightly "movies under the stars" and they were supposed to play Sleepless in Seattle for Valentine's Day. Unfortunately it was too windy to put up the screen, so we decided to walk around the Ritz instead. Just as fun, maybe even better!
Quick note - Brent's mom bought me this dress and mailed it with some other things a few weeks ago. I couldn't wait to wear it for V-day!

Back at home, not to be outdone by my ghetto breakfast tray, the fancy Ritz rose sits in its makeshift vase:

Hope you all had a very merry Valentine's Day!