
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

More B-Day Fun

As I mentioned on Brent's b-day post, we did a Community Season 2 marathon with friends to kick off his birthday weekend. Jenn, my faithful co-Cayman photographer, brought her camera and snapped a few pictures which can be seen on her recent blog post.

Brent decided to invite our friends over the Friday before my birthday for homemade lasagna. I have to give this guy massive credit...he did the shopping, the cooking, AND all the dishes by himself. I kept offering to help, and the only thing he let me do was count the lasagna noodles (is that even a real job?). Oh yes, he even picked the recipe himself:

Brent's famous "cooking face" - smeared with flour:

Fresh from the oven, the finished product:

photo credit: JSS

For dessert, Sheena offered to make these Deep Dish Cookies. Here's the gang "helping" with the cookie dough:

No b-day party would be complete without birthday candles!

Thanks so much to all our friends who helped celebrate mine and Brent's birthdays. You are our surrogate-family!


  1. I love the photo of us all in the kitchen, we just need to photoshop you in Katie!

  2. looks so fun! i am so impressed with brent's bday skills - a tiffany's present AND homemade lasagna... that boy needs to teach a class or something!

  3. Love the cooking-from-the-laptop shot!

  4. Brent and Katie, you are so blessed to have such good friends/family (His family) in the Caymans. "If I go to the far side of the sea, You are there." Does my heart good to see you are enjoying this season of your life. Love you so much!

  5. Happy belated Birthday Katie (and Brent!) Love the blue bag =) Looks delicious, what a guy!
