
Friday, June 8, 2012

Sar and Gar Visit - Ristorante Pappagallo, Hell, Camana Bay, Calypso

As I mentioned in my last post, we had crazy bad weather the week Sarah and Garret were here.  Technically May is the start of rainy season, but usually that just means it will rain for a little bit a few days a week, and then be super sunny and hot the rest of the time.  But poor Sarah and Garret.  Rain.  Every.  Single.  Day.  The first two days they were here, we got 13 inches of rainfall.  It was a monsoon!  I was incredibly bummed, but Sarah and Garret kept a good attitude.  We did our best to think of rainy day activities, including going to the movies and doing a week-long Modern Family marathon.  And lots and lots of good eating :)


There was a brief break in the rain so we headed to George Town.  Did a little shopping there, including a stop at It's Sugar.

As the rain picked up, we went to Margaritaville for drinks.

That night we dined at Ristorante Pappagallo.  Brent and I have been here one other time - our first week on island!  I'm glad we got a chance to go back with Sarah and Garret.


Another gray afternoon meant a chance to do some sight-seeing.  First up, a stop at Hell.

Next we headed to Camana Bay, where we walked around a bit and got treats from Black Trumpet.

Sarah and I both got this amazing little dessert.  Chocolate mousse with a cheesecake center surrounded by chocolate ganache.  Wowzer.

Up to the observation tower

That night, we joined Jenn and Nate for dinner at Calypso Grill.  Another restaurant we went to early on and were just waiting for a good excuse to go back :) 

Crispy mango shrimp, duck with oranges and cranberry, sea bass with chipotle sauce. I tried a little of everyone's and it was all delicious!

Whew, that's enough for now.  I'll save the last pictures for a third and final post!

1 comment:

  1. Kate - so many times in the last couple of weeks, I've wished I could "pop over" to Camana Bay. You are so lucky to live minutes away from it. Such a fun, unique place. And I have also wished there was a place like Black Trumpet in Cincy more than once. ;)
