
Monday, May 7, 2012

Two Years Ago / The Banks Visit

I was putting away notes from our small group last night, and decided to look up my prayer journal from this day two years ago.  Here's the first entry from May 7, 2010:

"Lord, Brent is accepting the Cayman Islands job today, and I am a little nervous/anxious.  Please help me to trust you.  Give me peace.  Help our families not to feel too sad when we tell them.  Help all the arrangements to work out smoothly - finding renters, finding an apartment, Brent's job, Walter, KruBooks."

It was such a random and divine thing that I picked up that journal to read today.  As we get (scary) close to the last day of Brent's contract, I once again need peace and reassurance that we are doing the right thing.  Leading up to that journal entry, I have days and days of prayers asking God to help us make the decision, that more than anything we desired to know and follow His will.  It's interesting that the last few months have been the same prayer, reversed.  Stay or leave, leave or stay.

My prayer journal continues to October 7, 2010 - 11 days before our move to Grand Cayman.  The pages are filled with prayers for this adventure.  That God would provide for us, that we would have safety traveling, that Brent would enjoy his work, that this would be a time of spiritual growth, that God would give us people to love and people who love us, that we would have wisdom and be open to His direction, that our marriage would be strengthened through the experience.  Oh how I want to go back to that Katie, doing her quiet time on the front porch with nervous butterflies and pages of worries, and whisper in her ear, "God will do all this, and so much more.  You have no idea how good our God is."

The last thing I have written in the journal is this verse from Psalm 143, which is quickly becoming a life verse for me: "I remembered the old days, went over all you've done, pondered the ways you've worked, stretched out my hands to you, as thirsty for you as a desert thirsty for rain.  Point out the road I must travel, I'm all ears, all eyes before you." (The Message translation)


That was a long intro for an unrelated post :)  I've have these pictures from Emily and Steven's visit loaded for a while, and since I wanted to share that first bit I figured I would go ahead and add it here.  Our first night with the Banks, we did pizza on the beach with Jeremy and Sheena.  There's nothing like starting vacation with a beautiful sunset.

On their last night, we did another sunset dinner, this time at AlFresco.  This sunset was the prettiest, softest pink.  It was like being inside a cotton candy dome.

Steven and Emily were such fun guests.  Brent met Steven in Greenville, SC, way back in his high school days.  Even though I didn't know Emily that well before the visit, I quickly found how much we had in common.  I love instant friendships.

Our next guests will be my sister and brother-in-law.  Two more weeks - I can't wait!


  1. Best blog post ever. Oh, how I cried (for joy) when I read this!! Thank you, Katie, so much for sharing this. I particularly loved you going back two years and whispering to butterfly filled Katie, "God will do all this, and so much more. You have no idea how good our God is." Precious!! For those who don't should! So wonderful to look back and see how He has been there with you all along!! He is so good and always present!!

  2. I love that you keep a prayer journal! What a great way to document the things God has done in your life over time. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love this, Rosie! Your verse is perfect -- how can you NOT trust Jesus when you look back over your life and see all that He has done and all the ways He's poured out his goodness and blessings on you?

  4. I'm a little behind catching up on my blog reading and I just read this one Katie and it is so appropriate for me right now as I make my final stay or leave decision for the world down under. Sometimes we just have to take a risk and trust it's the right plan and it will all work out :) And there can be no wrong decision, the adventures just add a little flavor to life!!
