
Monday, October 17, 2011

Lorren and Cole Visit - Part 2

I have to start by saying this is the 100th post on our little Grand Life blog. That feels like a bit of an achievement. Hope you've enjoyed following along with our adventure so far. I know it's been a blessing for me to be able to look back on old posts and fondly remember those first crazy weeks on island (and to realize how amazingly God has blessed us on this journey).

Now onto the purpose of this post...Lorren and Cole's visit - Part 2! After brunch on Sunday, we went snorkeling at Cemetery Beach.

Lorren asked me to hold her rings while she was in the water. I managed to snap a couple pictures before I got too nervous that a big wave would come and wisk them away!

We didn't have great weather for the week - it was pretty overcast with light showers throughout the day. On Monday is was rain, rain, and more rain all day long! We did have one really sunny day on Thursday, which provided the requisite Cayman sunburn. But for the most part it was on and off drizzle. L&C said they were glad it wasn't super hot and sunny, so I'm hopeful the weather didn't completely ruin their trip. I was only a little disappointed because we didn't get to do as many outdoor dining options for dinner.

Cole really enjoyed snorkeling, and spent a couple mornings on Seven Mile Beach. Here he is with one of his finds - a king conch! Don't worry, it was released back into the ocean.

On Tuesday we went to George Town. There were two cruise ships in that day (including the Disney cruise) so there was a nice festive feel.

The incredible "It's Sugar" candy store

It started drizzling so we stopped to get drinks at Breezes. I love the covered outdoor porch overlooking the water.

On Wednesday we went to Rum Point. I was thrilled - Rum Point is my favorite Grand Cayman spot. Love those hammocks!

On Thursday afternoon we went to Spotts Beach (I didn't bring my camera), and then went to Grand Old House for their $10 made-to-order Pasta Night. These pictures were taken at Lime Tree Bay before dinner.

Beautiful view

On their last night, Lorren wanted to do a dinner on the beach, so we got Kelly's Cajun Grill and watched the sunset. It wasn't the normal beautiful display of colors, but the dark clouds were pretty. We also got to watch some lightning in the distance which was really cool.

We had such a great time with Lorren and Cole. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to hang out just the four of us. We had some great talks and played games every night. It was a week I will always remember. Brent and I are very grateful that they took the vacation time, saved the money and left their kids for a week so they could visit us. We love you guys!


  1. looks like so much fun! makes me jealous - wish we weren't chasing around a little one while we were there :)

  2. Yay on your 100th post - I'm a real slacker - I just keep running out of time here down under to fit blogging in - I figure I'll catch up on the 24 hour flight home! Love following your adventures!

  3. and i would love to go to Pasta Night while i'm there!!

  4. So FUN! How adorable is Lorren?!? How adorable are YOU! Awesome memories!
