
Monday, July 18, 2011

One Mile Sea Swim

This post is a little overdue. I didn't bring my camera to the event, but luckily my reliable co-photographer Jenn had hers. Even though I didn't have pictures of my own, I was too proud of Brent to skip this milestone.

Every year, Grand Cayman hosts the Flowers Sea Swim, which is one of the World's Top 100 Open Water Swims. Brent and Nate signed up through PwC just a couple days before the event. Over 800 people showed up to compete, including some Olympic and world-record holding athletes like Gary Hall, Jr., Chip Peterson, Eva Fabian, Ian Crocker, and Kristy Kowal.

Jenn and I were signed up for the "Walk and Watch" portion of the event - basically we just walked the mile along the beach, and took plenty of pictures of our boys. I was slightly dreading doing this walk under the scorching sun, but the sky was nicely overcast. And the excitement of the crowd was absolutely contagious. I had a great time!

It was crazy seeing all those swim caps in the water. We were told we wouldn't be able to spot Brent and Nate in the crowd once everyone started swimming, but people underestimated what super awesome wives we are. We found those boys and walked right along beside them the whole mile. Some times I would even yell to Brent what mile marker he was at. I think he appreciated it.

Here's Brent hard at work, keeping a great pace. You were allowed to stand in place if you needed a break, as long as you didn't move forward while touching the bottom. But that Brent - he didn't stop ONCE!

Still smiling!

Jenn and I separated at the end so she could wait for Nate at the last mile marker. Unfortunately I don't have a picture of Brent crossing the finish line, but he definitely finished strong. I found a couple friends from church at the end and we all cheered him in together. Brent finished #580 and Nate was #597 - not too shabby for zero training! Honestly, I'm just so proud of them for completing the race. It was no small feat!

If you want to see more pictures of the event, check out Jenn's blog post. Thanks for taking these pictures for us, J!


  1. Way to go Brent! That's quite an accomplishment!

  2. haha I giggled at the "super awesome" part. :) fun event!

  3. Brent, I am so proud of you for participating in this event!! A whole mile! Great exercise!! Katie, great blog post. I like the T-shirts you got. But then, you look good in everything! (I also loved the alligator sand art from Jenn's post! Mom K.
