
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Things

It's all about the simple things, right? Here's a few things that have been bringing a smile to my face lately.

The Peekaboo Tongue

I mentioned before how Walter's tongue pokes out when he's fast asleep. I tried to catch it again this week, but I woke him up getting the camera. No worries - the sleepy dog didn't bother to put it back in.

A Quiet Afternoon

Of course, nothing competes with the weekend, but there is something to say for a calm Monday afternoon. After a long walk in the hot sun, Walter conks out on the couch and I can really dive into work. And how blessed am I to have a job I love?

Nothing puts me in the zone like a homemade smoothie, courtesy of Magic Bullet (one of the few household items that made the cut to join us in Grand Cayman).

Lazy Dog Breakfast in Bed

Walter's been finicky about eating lately. I don't think he likes the new dog food. A lot of times his breakfast goes uneaten until the late afternoon. Occasionally I coax him to eat by leaving kibbles in a trail to the bowl. This particular day he just wasn't having it, so I brought the bowl to his bed, and he eat the whole thing lying down! Funny dog.

A Kitchen Splurge

I bought new pots and pans from Cost U Less a few weeks ago when they were on sale (normally CI$65 marked down to CI$40). This is especially thrilling when you see the condition of the mismatched set that came with the apartment.

I've never seen a more poorly stocked kitchen, but I am making due in most areas. I used the wisk attachment from a hand mixer to wisk eggs the other day because the regular wisk is covered in rust (and the hand mixer isn't even mine - Jenn graciously lent it to us since she brought one from home). For the most part, I like the challenge of living simply. But some times I can't resist the temptation. Pots were my weak spot. And they came in pretty colors :)

Date Nights

Another date night to Sunshine Grill. I love that we are within walking distance to the #1 Grand Cayman restaurant on TripAdvisor. We are doing dates nights every other week now and they are the highlights of my month. I love spending time with this guy!

Pepper jelly for sale on the windowsills

Brent's beloved snapper sandwich

More happy things coming in the next blog post, featuring Brent's first week in the beach volleyball league. Stay tuned!


  1. love the picture of walter eating while laying down... what a funny dog!

  2. Kate - I LOVE your new pots! That's such a happy color. It's the little things, right? :)
