
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bon Voyage Parties

Last weekend we had two going away parties. On Friday night we got together with our old small group. I really, really love this group of people. I grew and learned so much from them in our years together. They are intentional, passionate for Jesus and REAL. It was a great time of catching up and reconnecting. Toward the end everyone shared their favorite "Katie and Brent" memory, then our friends literally surrounded us with prayers. It's such an amazing experience when you can really feel God's presence at a gathering. I felt absolutely blanketed in prayers - people praying for the friends we would meet in the Caymans, the church we will join, our jobs, our marriage. One reoccurring theme was that though we think we are going for one thing, God will surprise us with another purpose. We should "keep our eyes open" for these "divine interruptions." Another friend felt God saying there will be many "happy accidents" along the way - God will keep surprising us with unplanned and unexpected things. I felt so encouraged by my friends' excitement and prayers. When we first signed on six months ago, I was thrilled for the adventure. But this last month I have felt very heavy-hearted about leaving the home, family and friends I love here. Hours of packing and our ever-growing to-do list are making me anxious and unsure. It was so comforting to be reminded that this is God's will and He has great things in store for us.

On Saturday night my amazing party-planning sister and Mom threw us a beautiful Bon Voyage party. Our friends Jess and Ben drove all the way from Indy to join us. We got to spend the whole afternoon with them with their adorable daughter Lucy.

The party was AMAZING - so tropical and festive! The details were a definitely a labor of love and I am so grateful for everyone who helped cook, clean, create, make drinks, and set up. The drinks and desserts were delicious - Cayman Cooler, Banana Whips, Lemon Triangles, Coconut Cupcakes, Orange Julius, Hurricane Punch. I felt like I was on the island already!

These are the Cayman Trivia cards - 13 questions and I only missed 3 (national bird, tree, and flower). I guess that means I "pass"!

I am so thankful for the friends and family who send us off with well wishes and prayers. We are so richly blessed here - it makes it very hard to leave. But our cup overflows with your love and encouragement, and I know God is already arranging opportunities for us to share some of that in Grand Cayman.


  1. Hi Katie and Brent, I know this is my fist comment, but I've been reading every post...and loving them! (The site looks beautiful Kates!) I'm so happy you are doing this :)

  2. I'm totally loving your new camera!!!!!!

  3. posted at 5:44 am, huh? Does this mean your to-do list is keeping you up all night, or getting you up this early??

  4. so glad we could make it... it was definitely worth the trip!
